About us

CNG System specializes in designing and producing interactive devices. Our mission is to use our knowledge and experience to popularize science and create educational toys. We design and build interactive exhibits for educational theme parks, exhibitions and play centers. Our exhibits enable learning through fun, thanks to translation of theoretical knowledge about physics phenomena to simple, practical experiments you can conduct by yourself.


Our company has many years of experience in the technical industry and is the leading producer of compressors and gas compression stations in Poland. We operate in many fields, with particular emphasis on high pressure technology, gas industry, electronics, metal welding and pressure tests. We build and repair small and large technical devices and CNG compression stations.


What is unique about our products, is that they’re available in two versions: very durable and weather conditions resistant or adapted for closed spaces. We take very good care of our customers, verify and inspect our devices’ exploitation and modernize them up to date. On demand we can also modernize machines and devices made by other companies.

Creation process